updated garden pics

June 30, 2009 at 10:39 am (Weathered Days) ()

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I want some greens

May 31, 2009 at 3:37 pm (Weathered Days) (, )

it seems to me that everyone else already has fruits pouring from the vines of their plants, and some of those people are already able to eat those said fruits. WHY CAN’T I?????

I know, I know, my garden got a late start and the ground has just now started staying at good temps at nighttime. But still, this stinks! I want some yummy veggies!!!

I finally have some sprouts in some planters and in trays. I’m excited! But at the same time, it’s about time!

My sweet potatoes I plant at a broken off area of a cement stoop that’s at the side of my house, beside my garden. (I guess years ago there used to be a house trailer here and that was the porch for the trailer??) Anyhow, I found last year that planting the sweet potatoes at the broken edge leads to very huge crops of sweets. The potatoes actually grow under the stoop in the cooler, dark area and grow so much bigger and so many more per plant than they do growing elsewhere in my garden.

My tiger lilies are getting ready to bloom. The buds are all over the place. I transplanted some lilies elsewhere this year, and they all seem to be doing good also.

btw, did I mention I looove the golden claw cultivator? It’s so easy to use (especially of the mornings when the ground is softer) and makes the garden look so much nicer. No need to bend over to pick the weeds or anything (except the dang maple tree seedlings). I cultivate about twice a week. Now, around the onions, I need to get in there and actually pull the weeds by hand. But 3 rows out of 20, I am not complaining.

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more gardening work

May 21, 2009 at 5:23 pm (Weathered Days) ()

I am not tall enough, nor did I have the help that I needed so I make an arched “trellis” for the asparagus beans to grow on. I took a 9ft pc of fencing and arched it over four 4 ft stakes of wood. I have read that once they reach the top of their trellis, they will continue to grow over the top, so what’s the difference between that and an archway to grow on?
It’s definitely not a pretty piece of work either, but it will work for what I need it for.

I also built a large rectangular area in the garden bordered with some scrap wood. I planted 2 rows of carrots on on end and then Maddox and I spread a mix of different lettuces, mesclum mix, and spinach in the rest of it. A great salad mix!

I replanted more green beans today. Some little foot had stomped some of the plants that weren’t very tall, but still I think they were big enough to be seen. I guess I am going to have to fence around the outer edge of the garden. UGH!

Tomorrow is my break from the outside for a few hours. I am working some extra hours since I had to take off last weekend due to having no voice.I am ready to get back on the horse…

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garden pics

May 19, 2009 at 6:53 pm (Weathered Days) (, )

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gardening, flowers, sunshine & hot totties

May 18, 2009 at 8:15 pm (Weathered Days) ()

That about sums up my life for the past week or two.

We added many more  rows to the garden, but we still aren’t done. Or maybe I should say I am still not done. I think Jamie was done after the first day. But I keep adding more veggies, more ideas, and then in the end, I change my mind and want it all done somewhat different.

Today, I decided I don’t want to plant the cucumbers (which need to be transplanted out of the salad table) to the area we had set aside for them. Instead I planted my watermelon there, and now I want to move this HUGE tractor tire, that is holding some of the kids’ outside toys in it, over by the garden. I want to fill it with dirt and plant my cukes in it. I bet I could put 10 plants in it and they could vine out and produce their fruits on the ground outside the tire. So, that is my current plan. Now, to just find a few strong men to help lift this tire and move it for me 😉

I finished my flower bed today. It’s much smaller than what we wanted originally. We will probably add on to it next year. On the North end of it, (when it’s bigger) I would love to have some small evergreens and shrubs. For this year, it’s small with 5 perrinials and the rest are annuals. I needed something pretty to look at while the perrinials are spreading out and taking their places. (I also still need to stake the landscaping timbers in place and cut off the excess weed block paper, but that can be done tomorrow, I was pooped at the end today.)

I built a big trellis last weekend. Nothing spectacular, but good enough for me. I decided I am not going to pay for things that I can make (or attempt) to make myself w/o causing myself pain. (Like sewing…yeah, that kills my back after too long and it means I have to sit still inside the house. Not my cup of tea right now.) So, again the trellis isn’t perfect, but it works for what I want it for. I have  it set between the corners of the house and the garage with a planter of begonias hanging on one side, a bird feeder on the other and wind chimes in the middle. Eventually, ivy and morning glories  will cover it with beautiful flowers. I also plan to hang small planters from the sides of it.

Tomorrow I need to build up a small fence or lattice piece for my yardlong beans to grow on. I planted the seeds today and hope to transplant in a couple of weeks.

I also need to set aside an area for my blackberry briars that were shipped today. I have two coming and I think I know where I want them, but will I change my mind again?

So, I have this horrible cold. It started as an allergy attack a week ago. Then it went to a cold, and then into my voice and chest. My sinuses are still very congested, but that is life and has been for many years. But my voice?? I want my voice back!!! Today is better than yesterday, when I could only get a whisper out. Today, since I haven’t spoke much, I have more of a voice, but still nothing like it should be. I found last night that lemongrass & ginger tea made into a hot totty with honey and whiskey works well at soothing the throat and breaking up congestion in my chest. (I also slept very well last night!) So, tonight, I am trying the same thing. I am hoping for the same results.

One more thing before I forget. The semester has ended. I had miscalculated my programming grade, so I was quite surprised to get my final grades. I got an A in C/C++/C# Programming, Web Site Design, and Personal Finance! w00t! Brought my GPA up to a 3.73 . I have two more classes starting in 2 weeks for summer. I really wish I could take the summer off, but I need to get done w/ these classes as soon as possible.

Off I go for another hot totty and some reading. Read some Lora Leigh, now back to a couple more Janet Evanovich books before I go back to Lora Leigh. Some of LL’s books  can be very raunchy, but I was told that the Breeds series has a good storyline, too, so I am looking forward to reading those. (thanks, again, Meleesa!)

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gardening days have begun

May 5, 2009 at 8:00 pm (Weathered Days) ()

Jamie tilled up most of the garden area today. I went behind him to rake up some grass & sod clumps and ended wishing I had someone to do that for me. Man, my arms hurt! (yeah, yeah, big baby here) I did get 4 (I think) rows of tomatoes planted. 20 plants in all, I believe.

Tomorrow I need to get out there as soon as I can to get pepper plants in the ground. Then I will sow the corn, green beans, lettuce, eggplant, cucumbers, onions, carrots, cabbage, etc. I also need to put up a fence for the peas. From there….hmmm…I need to get some sweet potatoes. I already have potatoes with eyes, but no sweets.

What am I missing? I have lettuce, spinach, onions, chard, radishes, and cukes growing in my salad tables. I will transplant the cukes when they are ready.

I look forward to seeing it all grow, but more to picking it and eating it!

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