this crazy life

February 5, 2009 at 7:01 pm (Weathered Days)

This winter has been full of surprises. Not the fun, woohoo-type surprises either.

My van is still broke down – hopefully it will be fixed in a week or two. I cannot handle only having one vehicle.

School has been canceled at least3-4 days so far this winter, the first time was on the last day of school before Christmas break. So those days were *great* once the arguing kicked in about noon. Outside of being completely canceled, it has been delayed more times than I remember. I am very grateful for the delays as I hate the thought of anyone on the road during the icy and snowy times. There have also been a few days that I have been irritated w/ the school for not letting the kids out early b/c of weather.

Jamie’s work has been another surprise. He started back after their 3 week shutdown with a BANG! He’s working 48-70 hrs a week right now. I do hope the hours continue for awhile, but not necessarily the 70hrs. We know that one day he will be lucky to have 2-3 days of work again. So, he’s taking it all while he can.

For the most part, everyone has been healthy. A little cold here or there and of course the famous sinus congestion. Outside of that, we’ve been very blessed.

My school is crazy once again. I dropped 2 classes, but kept 3. I really do enjoy programming, but I think I would enjoy it more if I took it on campus instead of via online class. I seem to overlook the little details, or just totally miss the meaning behind something all together. But once I figure it out, I don’t forget it again. There are times when I can sit down and spit out a whole assignment with no problems, but other times it takes numerous days to get it. In the end, I am still glad I am taking it.

In a couple of weeks I will start my website project for Web Design class. I wrote my proposal up this week and received the approval of my instructor on it. I do look forward to that also.

I started knitting this year. I finally figured it out…well a few of the stitches. I have started my first pair of socks and will be working on them more tonight. I can’t wait to get them done and see how they turn out and then move on to bigger socks (for me!).

Until a bigger break comes w/ clearer thoughts, this has been my life.

1 Comment

  1. Shannon said,

    I’m sorry things have been so crazy. I hope you get a chance to breathe and maybe some time to yourself to do something besides school….like knit 🙂

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