ask the person next to you…

February 27, 2009 at 6:24 pm (Weathered Days)

“What would rock your world right now?”

Some responses are great!

I asked my kids (they were here) and the answers were:

S: being a rockstar

X: guitar hero 3

M: hanging up my John Deere poster on my wall

hmmm..and I was thinking a nap.

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I hate the new health insurance changes

February 27, 2009 at 1:30 pm (Weathered Days)

Any script that is taken everyday (or close to) needs to be filled via mail order. I can have it filled once every 3 months at a pharmacy but I already did that last month, not knowing it had to be faxed in for now on. Mail order is cheaper by 1/3, but it’s a royal pain in the butt.

My prescriptions were faxed in 4 days ago. (after me waiting too long to get back to the doctor’s office to give them the fax forms) I was already running short on my allergy pills, but since I should receive them in the mail within 5 days of the faxed script, I wasn’t too worried.

I found out today that my entire order had been canceled yesterday. Only one prescription should have been canceled. I wanted the generic version of it, and they were filling it as a name brand. (Extra $55 in savings to go with generic). But instead my WHOLE ORDER WAS CANCELED??? WHAT!?!?!

I should have it in my hands tomorrow anyway, and now we have to start back over.

Then I found out that it actually is 5 days to process the prescriptions and 10 days to get it in the mail! WHAT?!?!

So after a bit of a “this is not your fault, but this is not my screw up either….” they are supposedly mailing them out and I will have them via UPS on Monday. I sure hope so.

Now, when will my  daughter’s asthma medication be shipped out? What do you mean you don’t have an prescription for her? It was faxed in earlier today. UGH! So, here we go again.

This is the only place we can go through and because I don’t want to fork out the extra $150 a month, I will have to deal with this. I am hoping refills are much easier to deal with.

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Take a Deeeeep Breath

February 26, 2009 at 8:22 am (Weathered Days)

I’m very excited about this new adventure we will be partaking in. Home-ownership.

In the very near future, we will be signing papers on my home.

Yes, my home is small. Yes, many people think we don’t have enough room here for my family. (myself included sometimes) I remember living in a place much smaller with even more kids when I was younger. I survived that, as did everyone else. And now this is *my* home. And we will survive this also.

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Mac no more

February 22, 2009 at 10:10 am (Weathered Days)

Hopes were high. Budget was planned. I was getting a MAC!! WOOHOO!

Dreams were crushed! Not so much in reality as I really could still get it, but then sensible, adult thoughts kicked in. I will not do it.

J might be losing hours again in about 3 weeks. I am not going to put forth the money for  a mac then have us be without necessities in time of need, if that need should arise.Yeah, I would still have a Mac, but you know, food, electricity, etc., those would be nice too.

I’m not upset, seriously. Instead I will continue to put money away in savings and wait for that right time.

In the meantime, we switched our minds back to the Kindle, which just came out with a newer version. The newer version is sweet! It will hold my school documents, my homework files, books, news stories, newspapers, blogs, browser (need to look more into this) and so much more. I look forward to the Kindle. I still  haven’t ordered it, as I am awaiting one final check before I stash money away in savings and then make this purchase. (In so many more ways and reasons, the Kindle really is the best route to follow for any gadget purchase.)

I obtained the coordination to knit while speed walking on the treadmill. I am certain, it won’t be any more difficult to read from my Kindle while walking/running, too.  Multitasking at it’s greatest! (Hmm…that would actually be knitting, while reading, while on the treadmill….nah. No way I’m that good!)

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reconnecting with the past

February 16, 2009 at 9:45 pm (Weathered Days)

I ran across an old friend of mine online last night. I shot off an email and spent today emailing back and forth over the hours. The reconnection is enchanting and mysterious all at the same time. We’re both now married but living many, many moons apart. Imagine my surprise when I found out he’s now living in Las Vegas. My Vegas?? Unbelievable.

As we all know, you meet up with an old friend, and memories start flying. While we didn’t discuss much from the past, it was more of a what have you been up to sort of thing. My thoughts however, couldn’t be contained. They took me back to a time where most of those memories belonged to a different person. Much of the memories having next to nothing to do with Jason, just the entire world I was in at the time I last saw him.

My teen years sucked! Not so much, really. But I made them suck. I wanted so much to be beyond those moments, that age range, that time in life. I was a “grown woman”, and I was going to live as so.  At that time in my life, of course I never realized that I was trying to live beyond the dreams and moments any teen should live. I never thoroughly enjoyed my teenage years hanging out with girlfriends, shopping, having fun, being a kid, doing whatever it is that (some) teenage girls do. (I knew what the “other” girls were doing.)

Being as sucked into that life that I thought I had to have, I made many choices; most not the greatest. (I don’t really regret those choices. It’s been each choice and decision along the way that has gotten me to where I am now. Yes, I could be somewhere else, already finished with school, having a *nice* job, house, car, etc. But if I had that, would I still be me? would I still have Jamie and the kids? What would I really have?) Some of those choices were dramatized. Some of those choices weren’t mine to make, but to stay out of more trouble, I had to abide by the rulings. So I did, or just didn’t get caught again.

In trouble, in sticky situations, in fun times, in bad times, I clung to desperation. Desperate for what? I’m still not sure. I made stupid choices, did stupid things w/o ever blinking an eye. Yet, in the end, I pulled past it all.

I am who I am. My past was rough, my future is not paved. At times I thought a fresh start somewhere new would be great. I tried that, but who was I kidding?  I am who I am. No excuses. (Vegas was not for me for that exact reason!) I am not the same person I was just a few years ago, nor will I be the same each and every day of the future. But still, it’s all me.

A lot of thoughts ran about today. A lot of “what the hell?!” spurts of memories. But life is good because you’re still you, he is still he, and I am still me.

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funny video I came across from last summer

February 7, 2009 at 1:48 pm (Weathered Days)

A little bit of background info:

This was from Turkey Run on a very muddy hike. On the way onto a certain trail, it was muddy, but not too bad. On the way back, numerous people had walked through and softened up the mud. It become a huge mud hole.

M *HATES* to be dirty. Mud is NOT his friend at all.
No, M did not get hurt at all.
I know it looks like he bounced his face off the ground, he really did not at all.

And finally, please ignore the cigarette in J’s hand….the thinking of smoking outside but away from the kids didn’t click I guess.

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this crazy life

February 5, 2009 at 7:01 pm (Weathered Days)

This winter has been full of surprises. Not the fun, woohoo-type surprises either.

My van is still broke down – hopefully it will be fixed in a week or two. I cannot handle only having one vehicle.

School has been canceled at least3-4 days so far this winter, the first time was on the last day of school before Christmas break. So those days were *great* once the arguing kicked in about noon. Outside of being completely canceled, it has been delayed more times than I remember. I am very grateful for the delays as I hate the thought of anyone on the road during the icy and snowy times. There have also been a few days that I have been irritated w/ the school for not letting the kids out early b/c of weather.

Jamie’s work has been another surprise. He started back after their 3 week shutdown with a BANG! He’s working 48-70 hrs a week right now. I do hope the hours continue for awhile, but not necessarily the 70hrs. We know that one day he will be lucky to have 2-3 days of work again. So, he’s taking it all while he can.

For the most part, everyone has been healthy. A little cold here or there and of course the famous sinus congestion. Outside of that, we’ve been very blessed.

My school is crazy once again. I dropped 2 classes, but kept 3. I really do enjoy programming, but I think I would enjoy it more if I took it on campus instead of via online class. I seem to overlook the little details, or just totally miss the meaning behind something all together. But once I figure it out, I don’t forget it again. There are times when I can sit down and spit out a whole assignment with no problems, but other times it takes numerous days to get it. In the end, I am still glad I am taking it.

In a couple of weeks I will start my website project for Web Design class. I wrote my proposal up this week and received the approval of my instructor on it. I do look forward to that also.

I started knitting this year. I finally figured it out…well a few of the stitches. I have started my first pair of socks and will be working on them more tonight. I can’t wait to get them done and see how they turn out and then move on to bigger socks (for me!).

Until a bigger break comes w/ clearer thoughts, this has been my life.

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